Salary to Hourly Calculator (2024)

Convert your annual salary, monthly wage or weekly pay to an hourly rate and find out what you're earning per hour.

You can use our calculator to work out your hourly pay from your yearly salary or monthly wage. Continue scrolling to learn the process for calculating your hourly ratemanually, and find out the equivalent per-hour rate for some of the most common annual salaries.

On this page:

  • How to calculate your hourly rate
  • How to convert a monthly salary to an hourly rate
  • $40,000 a year is how much per hour?
  • $45,000 a year is how much per hour?
  • $50,000 a year is how much per hour?
  • $55,000 a year is how much per hour?
  • $60,000 a year is how much per hour?

How to calculate your hourly rate

First, multiply the number of hours you work each week by the number of weeks you work each year (commonly 52 or 50). Then,divide your annual salary by this figure. E.g. If you earn a salary of $40,000 and work 40 hours per week for a full year, your hourly ratewould be $40,000/(40 × 52) = $19.23.

Hourly = Salary per year / (Hours per week × Weeks per year)

Hourly rate example calculation

Let's say that you earn $50,000 and you work a 40-hour week for 52 paid weeks per year. To work out your hourly rate, your calculation would be:

50000 / (40 × 52) = $24.04 per hour

Your hourly rate for your $50,000 annual salary works out at $24.04.

How to convert a monthly salary to an hourly rate

To calculate your hourly rate based upon your monthly salary, multiply your monthly figure by 12 and then divide it by the number of hours you work per weekand again by the number of paid weeks you work each year.

Hourly = (Monthly salary × 12 / Hours per week) / Weeks per year

Example calculation

Example: If you earn $3,000 per month and work a 40-hour week for 52 paid weeks per year, your calculation would be:

(3000 × 12 / 40) / 52 = $17.31 per hour

Your hourly rate for your $3,000 monthly paycheck works out at $17.31.

You can our salary to hourly calculator to find out how much you're earning each month, week, day and hour. Let's look at some common,round salary figures and their equivalent hourly pay rates.

$40,000 a year is how much per hour?

If you have an annual salary of $40,000, it equates to a monthly pre-tax salary of $3,333.33, weekly pay of $769.23, and an hourly wage of $19.23 per hour. These figures are pre-tax and based upon working a 40-hour week for 52 weeks of the year.


$45,000 a year is how much per hour?

If you earn $45,000 as an annual salary, you would be receiving a monthly pre-tax salary of $3,750, a weekly pay of $865.38, and an hourly wage of $21.63 per hour. These calculations assume you work a 40-hour week for 52 weeks of the year.


$50,000 a year is how much per hour?

If you earn $50,000 per year, your hourly wage works out as being $24.04 per hour. In addition, your monthly pre-tax wage would be $4,166.67, and your weekly pay would be $961.54. All calculations are based upon a working schedule of 40-hours per week for 52 paid weeks of the year.


$55,000 a year is how much per hour?

If you have an annual salary of $55,000, it equates to a monthly pre-tax salary of $4,583.33, weekly pay of $1,057.69, and an hourly wage of $26.44 per hour. These figures are pre-tax and based upon working a 40-hour week for 52 weeks of the year.


$60,000 a year is how much per hour?

If you earn $60,000 as an annual salary, you would be receiving a monthly pre-tax salary of $5,000, a weekly pay of $1,153.85, and an hourly wage of $28.85 per hour. These calculations assume you work a 40-hour week for 52 weeks of the year.


Salary comparisons for the US and UK

Our salary to hourly rate calculator includes median pay figures for US and UK workers. The US data comes from theBureau of Labor Statistics and the UK salary data comes from theOffice for National Statistics. National salary data varies based upon gender, age, occupation and other factors.


Your hourly rate can be calculated by multiplying the number of hours you work each week by the number of weeks you workeach year, and then dividing your annual salary by the result. Our calculator at the top of this page can assist you with working this figure out.

If you're thinking you might be due a pay raise, you can check out our pay raise calculator to see how much a pay increase might be worth.

Hourly rate conversions

We have individual conversion pages set up for the following common hourly rates:

  • $15
  • $17
  • $20
  • $25

Calculator by Alastair Hazell. Reviewed by Chris Hindle.

If you have any problems using our salary to hourly calculator, please contact us.

Salary to Hourly Calculator (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.