1. Contract Claws - The RuneScape Wiki
Land of the Goblins · Frog spawn · Goblin potion · Harlequin cow
Contract Claws is a mystery and achievement encountered at the Infernal Source Dig Site, wherein the player placates the thirteen guardian gargoyles of the site, also known as the Malebranche, so that they do not interfere with the archaeology efforts. The player may start this mystery by speaking to Ophiuchus the gargoyle, who may be found in the Vestibule of Futility, the uppermost level of the Source, beside the portal to the Dungeon of Disorder. Completing Contract Claws gives the player the option to fast travel to the The Harrowing from the entrance to the Infernal Source Dig Site.

2. Template:Contract Claws - The RuneScape Wiki
23 jul 2024 · Template:Contract Claws · Zodiac portal.png: RS3 Inventory image of Zodiac portal · Zodiac coin (Aries).png: RS3 Inventory image of Zodiac coin ( ...
From the RuneScape Wiki, the wiki for all things RuneScape

3. Archaeology Mysteries - RuneScape Guide - RuneHQ
25 jul 2023 · Congratulations, Mystery complete! Contract Claws. Requirements: 29 Archaeology; 37 Prayer; Completion of Eyes in Their Stars; Completion of ...
Mysteries are like Miniquests for Archaeology.
4. Archaeology Guide - Surreal Forums
(Requires: 68 Archaeology, Contract Claws Mystery Completed)(Rewards: 8,400 Archaeology Experience, Ancient Summoning Unlocked). 0 · Reply.
The Guide now covers every single Collection (51 of them) and up to Skill Mastery. Enjoy
5. Infernal Source Dig Site - RuneScape Guide - RuneHQ
31 dec 2021 · There is only 1 Mystery which can be completed in this section of the Source. This Mystery is called "Contract Claws" and requires 29 ...
Infernal Source is the second Archaeology Dig Site; accessible at level 20.
6. contract claws gargoyle help - RuneScape Forum Archive
5 jul 2023 · contract claws gargoyle help. Search Users Code of Conduct Forum Mods. contract claws gargoyle help Thread is locked. Quick find code: 98-99-37 ...
On January 12 2024, after more than 21 years, Jagex announced the sunsetting of the official RuneScape Forums. This website is created by Mexk, and serves as a complete archive of the RuneScape Forums as they were as of January 25 2024.
7. RuneScape Discussion
Contract Claws; Dagon Bye -> Weapons. Research Roundup. Starry Eyed; The Dark ... RS3. Recorded Date: May 21, 2020; Release Date: May 22, 2020; Hosts: Shane ...
RuneScape Discussion
8. Livestream Round-up (30/04/2020) - Lunagang - Forum
12 mei 2020 · Forumoverzicht RuneScape RS3 Nieuws en updates van RuneScape · Livestream ... Contract Claws mystery at the Infernal Source. ARCHAEOLOGY.
9. The Arc | RuneScape Wiki - Fandom
The island contains castaway Manti Claws who the player can talk to and ... Contracts. For a list of contracts, see Contract. Contracts can be completed ...
The Arc is a region within the Wushanko Isles, west of The Skull in the Archipelago, that is also visited in player-owned port. The first half of the Arc was released on 25 July 2016, and the second half was released on 10 October 2016. Completing the Arc Journal and purchasing all permanent unlocks from both the Waiko and Ports Reward Shops unlocks the title Salty [Name] with the broadcast: News: Player has fully explored what The Arc has to offer and has unlocked the 'Salty' title! The player

10. Category:Discontinued content | RuneScape Wiki - Fandom
All items (1094). #; A; B; C; D; E; F; G; H; I; J; K; L; M; N; O; P; Q; R; S; T; U; V; W; X; Y; Z; Other. RuneScape:Grand Exchange Market Watch/Discontinued ...
This category contains pages and images related to discontinued content in RuneScape.